On The Path Toward Healing

A friend of mine is an AMAZING artist and she just posted this painting on Facebook today.  Once I saw it, I knew I needed to share it with everyone...especially those that are hurting.  All of her work is inspiring because she has used painting as an avenue of healing in her own life.  Feel free to [...]

The Wastelands

Boxes lined the hallway as I made my way outside.  Barry was loading the remaining items into the U-Haul.  We turned around to soak in the view of our adorable house.  We had recently placed a huge amount of time and effort into fixing up the place.  It oozed with Bishop handiwork.  Barry and I spent our [...]

Mindful of My Mind (part 2)

Growing up, my mother dealt with depression.  To say that she suffered heartache as a young woman would not do her pain justice.  She lost her mother to cancer at 19, her grandfather to cancer at 20 and her cousin, which was like a brother, drowned tragically when she was 21.  In the midst of this she got married and not [...]

The Lonely Fall

The Fall of 2006 was a lonely time for me... I ran into the living room a little shocked, but mostly excited.  I had taken three pregnancy tests and all of them came back positive.  It was true, I was going to be a mom...we were going to be parents.  After 4 years of marriage Barry and I desperately wanted [...]