Read to Me

I was busy.  Busy working, busy typing.   Replying to emails, checking messages, reading about current issues.

Rowan was busy too.  Busy learning, busy playing.  Pulling out toys, rolling the ball to me as I half heartedly rolled it back to him while keeping one hand on the key board.

I sat at my desk consumed by a world that I could not touch or see while Rowan sat by my feet tugging at my designer jeans sweat pants and holding up his favorite book.

He LOVES this book.  We read it every day.  His Grammy gave it to him.  He always skips right to the end where the page lights up.  He claps with glee and snuggles in close as if begging me to read it again.  It doesn’t matter to him that I have a blog, or that I need to keep up with twitter or facebook or anything else.  All he knows is that he wants me to read to him and lately that’s what I have been doing.

So, in case you are wondering where I have been.  I’m still taking a break from blogging.  It’s been a very nice blogacation (my term for a blogging vacation).

I hope you are all doing well.  I know I will have so much to catch up on when I do emerge from my hibernation.  🙂


6 thoughts on “Read to Me

  1. Micah is a, as well! He will entertain himself for 15 minutes at a time just sitting and “reading” his books. Some he has flipped through and bent so much that they have fallen apart. I can’t resist when he brings them over and hands them to me, again, and again, and again…
    But too soon I’ll be longing for these days, so I read them again..

  2. Totally did the best thing. Love on that precious boy. I am watching how my last baby is not quite a baby anymore but becoming a big boy–Oh, how I am trying to hold on to that baby;)

  3. I really get where you are coming from. You know my interest, and I have scaled back too spend more time with my kids. Times flies, and before you know it, Rowan will be the one turning 5. I cannot believe how fast they have grown, and you cannot stop or delay that time. The time you get is all you will ever get at each stage of their life. So, I am desperately wanting to not miss a beat. Those times when my 5 year old was a baby seem so distant now. I watch pictures of her flash across the screen saver, and it is hard to remember those times. Okay, this sounds depressing. I guess the point is to enjoy each part to the fullest. Not to mention if you have another, this will be your only time with just Rowan. I do miss my time with just my oldest, and wish I had time with just my youngest. You’ll see.

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