Important Update for MC students

Below is a statement regarding the affiliate status of the Master’s Commission that Barry and I were on staff at in Louisiana.  In light of the many stories of abuse the MCIN received, they conducted an investigation and have removed the affiliate status of this program.

I am forever thankful to Pastor Lloyd Zeigler and the MCIN for taking my concerns as well as the concerns of former staff and students seriously.  In a world where people overlook this type of behavior in the church, they have taken a stand against it.  They have risked friendships and spent hundreds of hours working to see these issues resolved.

Thank you Z for not allowing this abuse to continue under you watch.  Your quick action is greatly appreciated!!

August 26, 2010


To Whom It May Concern: Master’s Commission International Network (“MCIN”) recently received several reports from individuals formerly associated with “Master’s Commission 3D” located in Broussard, Louisiana (“MC3D”). These reports were received in the form of letters, blog posts, and verbal reports. In response to these varied reports, MCIN undertook and completed an investigation concerning MC3D. As part of its investigation, MCIN requested that MC3D provide MCIN’s Board of Directors (the “Board”) a detailed response to the various allegations and other concerns. Having concluded its investigation, MCIN presented the results to the Board. In light of the facts and information presented to the Board, and after careful deliberation, the Board decided to terminate MC3D’s status as a Master’s Commission “Affiliate”. We know this decision may affect students currently enrolled at MC3D, and as such, we informed MC3D that should any of their students desire to relocate to another Master’s Commission Affiliate in good standing, MCIN is available to assist them and answer questions they may have in that regard. MCIN values the commitment and contribution of all students and leadership associated with the Master’s Commission Affiliates. Accordingly, we believe that our actions in this regard were both appropriate and necessary.

Lloyd Zeigler, Chairman

32 thoughts on “Important Update for MC students

  1. After almost three years, I’m so happy to see that this is FINALLY done! May the new students who attend there now not be afraid to question their leaders as we were afraid to once question ours!

  2. The 3-D experience ayyy??? As i was watching Law and Order SVU last night, they talked about the 3 D’s. thought it to be pretty appropiate
    Dread-Despair and Degradation..

  3. i didnt think they would be…i wish i had the finances to rent a billboard right on the way to the church and post a copy of the letter for all to see the truth..
    i can just hear what he told them now…gag

  4. i have a question…How did he explain this change? were the MC students, parents, and congregation told the “real reason”

  5. book..ppffftttt..go for the gold and make a movie…haha
    my concern in removing the affiliation now is that he will open up something else that is not under any umbrella whatsoever and have complete control, authority etc to make things even worse than they are now. not that he was accountable before, but without some type of affiliate to be under he will wreak havoc..

    wow sheri, the comment he made concerning people following him to hell with a water pistol,,that is one of the scariest , albeit true, statements to come out of a lot of this…my ultimate prayer is that he is complety shut down and run out of town..

  6. Sheri’s story sure shows just how abusive and skewed a man’s perspective can get – even if he holds a leadership position/title in a Christian ministry!!

    Paige, You’re not kidding!! A best seller for sure! So thankful that God has given so many of us eyes to see clearly! Let’s pray that those remaining get the same revelation!

  7. Jana…it was great sharing with you this week. So many stories to tell. One that continues to SCREAM at me is concerning a Godly man that happened to be a musician (drummer) for another church for years. When our departure took place this man had been out of the “organized, shepherding religion” many of us have found ourselves in. Weird how it feels like it just happens. But what freedom when the Spirit says, “you are not crazy. Run fast. Get out. You have been right”. That happened to me in Destin, Florida with my husband and a couple at a restaurant called The Back Porch. The revelation was as big as when I got saved. The freedom felt the same. And yes, I bought the t-shirt and keep it to remember and remind me of the exact place where the awakening occurred.

    Ok…back to my story…
    This Godly man brought his son the Harvest Fest. Being there waiting for his son he felt a tug on his arm. The conversation began with total manipulation. The pastor always lurking, looking and waiting to see who will be next for his use and abuse. The conversation was about the great ministry here, look what we do for others, why don’t you visit, and on and on. The last statement was this, “you know, there are so many here that trust me. They will follow me to hell with a water pistol”. This Godly man was so disturbed he called my husband to discuss. The irony is, he is so right. Whether it’s the water pistol to hell, the koolaid to hell, the submission of allowing a man to be your bus driver because he can see better for you than you can see for yourself (that was another often used statement)is just that. Molding, shaping, brainwashing to be dependent. Missing the boat that our dependency in Christ should be the only words spoken from those in leadership. The scripture, “they never knew me” screams even louder. God have mercy!!!

    My daughter at 30 has just left a ministry with some of this mentality. Trying to slowly help her find a safe haven to heal. Pray for her please during this time. Need a healthy church for her at this time.

    1. Sheri, that story is heartbreaking and so true of the mindset there. I will be keeping my eyes and ears open for a place for your daughter and if any readers know of something fitting please message me and I can pass the info along to Sheri.

  8. Having just read Lloyd Zeigler’s letter of August 26, 2010, why then does Our Savior’s Church’s web site list two ‘central staff’ members as being in charge of “Master’s Commission”? Maybe someone should remind them that they do not possess “MC affiliate status” any longer?

  9. wow.


    wow, wow, wow, wow, WOW.


    seriously, wow.

    you did it! you stood up for justice and affected change, jana! i am so proud of you and barry and lynde and mike ross! you guys are truly amazing.


      1. I doubt I’m remembered among the MC students. I was a first year student when you were, Jana. I left the program after seven months and have felt alone and crazy for years. It wasn’t until reading Lisa Kerr’s website that I realized I was not alone or crazy. I am forever thankful to her for giving me a forum to share my grief after all these years.

  10. How affirming! To watch an “outside” entity (meaning not connected to Our Savior’s Church or its pastor/leadership) evaluate the reports of students and former students from the Broussard, Louisiana/Our Savior’s Church campus – and come to the conclusion that what is happening there is not right (“not right” – my words)…. and that withdrawng “MC affiliate status” from that church/group is both “appropriate and necessary” (MC’s words)…..this kind of action must be (1) a WAKE UP call to any student presently involved with OSC or considering a “school” experience with OSC under any other name!! (2) a WAKE UP call to the leadership at OSC. Apparently, something is not right with the way the leadership is handling things at that church campus/campuses; and (3) a WAKE UP call for all of us….. knowing that when God exposes something – and brings to light something that is not good for His people, it usually requires change on our part. Hopefully, change for the good is on its way! Thank you Jana (and the rest of the writers dedicated to exposing spiritual abuse)! Thank you to those brave students and letter writers for taking the issues seriously and being both compassionate and yet bold in addressing obvious misuse and abuse of power in a Christian setting.

    1. Great point Sue…it is a wake up call. I’ll be blogging more this week about my thoughts and feelings on the subject. I have so much to process and so much to say.

      Again…Sue’s corner is an option. I’ll keep throwing that out there for ya…I know you have a lot to share as well! 🙂

      1. Sue, I really think you should consider Sue’s corner! If anybody had more insight on the day to day of OSC, then you, I would be very surprised. We could probably write a book on the 1st 3 years…what do ya say?

  11. That is wonderful! I am so happy that things are being done to put a stop to that mess! Thank you Jana, for all the hard work you put into researching and advocating for the rest of us. And thank you Pastor Lloyd for being our defender!

  12. wow! jana, that’s incredible! and i agree, how wonderful that they heard what y’all had to say, took it seriously, investigated and acting accordingly. good for them and good for you! way to be bold in taking a stand for what’s right!

    1. Thank you everyone for the support and for all of the people that raised their voices as well. With almost 20 former staff and students speaking up…it helped the MCIN to see what was happening and I am so thankful that action was taken.

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